Our Activities
How We Work
The Earth Center is made up of Temples and Committees that are part of wider international networks, each one sharing our ethos of preserving ancient spiritual wisdom and indigenous community livelihoods. The Committees are:
M’TAM School
M'TAM the study of Kemetic Spirituality and Earth Energies provides authentic, Kemetic, initiation classes in the tradition of the education system of Kemet (Africa). See further details in the M'tam Schools webpage on this site.
Rising Firefly Productions is the publishing branch of The Earth Center through which we disseminate and promote Kemetic spiritual knowledge and philosophy via audio, video and reading materials See the risingfirefly website. Products are also available here, in our UK online shop.
Kebtah Projects aims to protect humanity’s cultural legacy by assisting its traditional communities in Meritah (Africa) with sustainable development. See also the irikebtah website.
These activities are all actively preserving Temple spiritual principles, and disciplines of its related M'TAM education for the benefit of our adherents, as well as the public - Our openness to everyone who is interested, helps in achieving our goal of fostering greater understanding about the diverse range of human spiritual heritage and thereby, enhancing unity amongst all people:
A. Divine Worship & Spiritual Development:
Our UK Temples, Priesthood & Temple-keepers
B. Educational Dissemination & Charitable Operations: